CLRP represents persons receiving treatment and services at State-Operated Mental Health Facilities, such as Connecticut Valley Hospital, Connecticut Mental Health Center, and Greater Bridgeport Mental Health Center.
Access to Records The right to access medical records is related to confidentiality. In this area, however, the rights regarding psychiatric records are not identical to those regarding other medical records. In general people are entitled to receive copies of their medical records ... [ more ] |
Advance Directives An advance directive for health care is a legal document which allows people 18 years of older who have the capacity to make legal and/or medical decisions to indicate their treatment preferences and express those preferences and designate a health care representative to make decision on their behalf if they are unable to do so ... [ more ] |
Collaboration with Non-CLRP Attorneys In instances where CLRP is unable to provide duplicate representation, it can, in its discretion, collaborate with non-CLRP attorneys to provide information, clarification or advocate for a client's expressed preference ... [ more ] |
Community Integration This article provides answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding community integration of patients in the mental health system ... [ more ] |
Criminal Justice People living with mental health conditions often become involved with the criminal justice system for reasons related to their disability as well as the fact that they may not have access to the affordable housing or support services they need to maintain ... [ more ] |
Discharge Planning Persons served by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services have the right to be actively and meaningfully involved in decisions regarding their own treatment, recovery and discharge planning ... [ more ] |
Due Process Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law. [ more ] |
Equal Access to Public and Private Services Section 504, as it is often called, is a federal civil rights law that covers the rights of all individuals with disabilities. It prohibits disability discrimination by any program or activity that receives federal funds ... [ more ] |
Housing-Related Discharge Delays People living with mental health conditions have the legal right to receive services in the most integrated setting. That means that someone who no longer requires inpatient level of care should be promptly discharged to the community of their choice, with access to the needed supports and services of their choice ... [ more ] |
Least Restrictive Setting Individuals with disabilities should live in the community of their choice in the least restrictive environment and receive the necessary and appropriate services that will help them maintain their independence ... [ more ] |
Legal Status You may be sent to the hospital by a medical doctor who thinks you need immediate treatment. The doctor must examine you and sign an emergency certificate, In order to send you to the hospital; the doctor must certify ... [ more ] |
Meaningful Participation Persons living with lived mental health experience should play a central role in shaping the programs and policies that serve them ... [ more ] |
Medication An individual who resides in the community cannot be medicated without his or her informed consent. Such consent must be voluntary, which means that clients cannot be coerced into taking medications based on the threat of being thrown out of their housing or having their disability checks withheld ... [ more ] |
Non-Psychiatric Healthcare People living with mental health conditions sometimes encounter difficulty addressing physical health care issues. Unfortunately, there are health providers who discriminate against patients who have a psychiatric disability ... [ more ] |
Patients’ Bill of Rights The Patients' Bill of Rights prohibits the denial of employment, housing, civil service rank, license or permit, including professional license, or any other civil or legal right, solely because of a present or past history of psychiatric disability. [ more ] |
Probate To meet the standard to be civilly committed, a person must have psychiatric disabilities and be dangerous to self or others or gravely disabled (i.e., person may suffer serious harm because he or she fails to provide for basic human needs and refuses to accept necessary hospitalization) ... [ more ] |
Recovery and Treatment Planning In accordance with Section 17a-542 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as well as Federal and Joint Commission standards, regarding each person's right to individualized care and the provision of informed consent, it is the policy of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services that all services to be provided shall be based on an individualized, multidisciplinary recovery plan ... [ more ] |
Restraints and Seclusion State and federal laws prohibit the use of restraint and seclusion except when it is to prevent imminent physical injury to the patient or others and other measures have failed. Staff must use the least amount of restraint and seclusion necessary to stop the emergency. The law requires that restraints and seclusion be used in the least restrictive manner possible; and ended at the earliest possible time. [ more ] |
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 351, Silver Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(877) 402-2299 - Toll Free
(860) 262-5030 - Outside CT
(860) 262-5035 - Fax
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., (CLRP) is a statewide non-profit agency which provides legal services to low income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. [12/2024]
all materials copyright ©2025
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc.